Course Code: KC09903

Course Synopsis & Course Learning Outcome: Summative assessment

Lecturer's activity

  1. Online test invigilation

Device and Application Tools used

  1. PC

  2. Laptop

  3. Mobile phone

  4. Google Meet

KC09903 TEST 1

Student's activity

  1. Taking an online test

Device and Application Tools used

  1. PC

  2. Laptop

  3. Mobile phone

  4. Google Meet

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KC22202

Course Synopsis: This course covers designing process equipment by applying intuition, critical thinking, and engineering principles. Students are taught the step-by-step approach to solve complex engineering problems via innovative design. The concept of sustainability, Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), and basic engineering drawing are covered, for the students to apply them in designing the process equipment. The purpose of this course is to prepare the students with the ability to apply chemical engineering principles and applications to design a piece of chemical process equipment that works economically, safely, environment-friendly, and without raising concerns in society.

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1) produce a solution to a complex engineering problem using standard chemical process engineering design methods (C6, PLO2, WK4, WP1)

2) produce a process simulation on the process equipment (C6, PLO5, WK6, WP1)

3) produce a P&ID, engineering drawing, and mechanical specification of process equipment according to British Standard. (C6, PLO5, WK6, WP1)

Brief description of presentation submitted: Sharing on T&L of a design subject using Telegram

Lecturer's activity

1) Screencast-O-Matic recorded lecture.

2) Presentation of work progress and completed E-poster on chemical process equipment design on Trello.

3) Presentation of learning materials, discussions and class session on Telegram.

4) Student group work management in Trello.

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Unifi Air

  2. Laptop

  3. Handphone

  4. Wacom writing tablet

  5. Camera logitech

  6. Microsoft whiteboard

  7. Telegram

  8. Trello

  9. Youtube

  10. Poll Everywhere

  11. Google forms for attendance

This video shows how I used Telegram to teach process equipment design.

In this video I talked about how I did my lesson plan and carried out my class on Telegram. However there was a lot more that I did not manage to explain such as

1) Attendance taking on google.

2) Coaching of students on group management and leadership

3) Coaching the students on how to do design step by step.

4) Coaching the students how to do Hysys simulation of process and using Hysys in design work.

5) Coaching on chemical and mechanical design

Student's activity

  1. View lectures on youtube

  2. Presentation of work progress and completed E-poster on chemical process equipment design on Trello.

  3. Interaction with learning materials, discussions and class session on Telegram.

  4. Student group work management in Trello.

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Laptop

  2. Handphone

  3. Telegram

  4. Trello

  5. Youtube

  6. Microsoft Powerpoint

Bahan 1 is trello page.

KC22202 PED Mech Dsgn Pt 1 of 4

It contains a review of previous class activity.

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KA10102

Course Synopsis: Introduction to common civil engineering materials used in construction. It discusses the performance of the construction materials, the composition, engineering behaviours, manufacturing process, properties that affect their performance and how they are used in construction.

Lecturer's activity

  1. Online discussions

  2. Quizzes

  3. Fun-facts during lectures

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Youtube

  2. Schoology

  3. Google Meet

  4. Zoom

  5. Whatsapp

Student's activity

  1. Quizzes

  2. Group Projects

  3. Online discussions

  4. Group Presentation

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Schoology

  2. Youtube

  3. Whatsapp

  4. Google Meet

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Synopsis: Pedagogy / Learning Design first, Technology second

An intended learning outcome should describe what students should know or be able to do at the end of the course that they couldn't do before.

Brief description of experiences / presentation submitted: An Abstract is a short document that is intended to capture the interest of students.

Lecturer's activity

  1. Online classes

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Google meet

  2. Smartv3UMS

  3. Google form

  4. Padlet

  5. Prota

Shallow Foundation design for Eccentric Load

Student's activity

  1. Tutorial and design project

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Prota

  2. Plaxis

Plaxis 3D bearing capacity of square shallow foundation design by Using Plaxis 3D.

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KE27803 and KG22802

Course Synopsis: Applied mechanics: This course introduces the principles of statics and dynamics. The scope of the course covers the basic of external and internal forces, employing vector for analysis. Equations of equilibrium will be introduced to examine the static equilibrium condition for a body. Kinematics and kinetics of a particle are then discussed to study the dynamic system involving in a particle. The understanding of mechanic is required as an engineer to mathematically model and predict the behavior of physical systems. Especially for Industry 4.0, the behaviors of machine interface is well explained by applied mechanics in the areas of industrial production.

Electrical technology: The course provides basic knowledge of electrical and electronic elements of common practices for non-electrical engineers at the undergraduate level.It will highlight the fundamentals of electrical engineering to enable the student to apply simple electrical circuits and network in their working environment. This subject will cover on DC and AC systems (single and three phase systems) and analyze simple network using electrical basic laws; Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, current and voltage divider, nodal and loop analysis. Students will be exposed on simple magnetic circuits, transformers and introduction to electrical machines.

Brief description of presentation submitted: Out of three presentation made by Zoom interface two are in applied mechanics relating to mechanical and electrical system and their interface . One in electrical technology relating to AC circuit phasor analysis

Lecturer's activity

  1. The two videos are discussed about the electro-mechanical systems in Applied mechanics and the rest one is AC phasor analysis in Electrical Technology

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Zoom

  2. YouTube

The two videos are discussed about the electro-mechanical systems in Applied mechanics and the rest one is AC phasor analysis in Electrical Technology

Student's activity

It is the last part as summary of the lecture, the student was listener and questions me on the topics in the chat forum of smart ums2

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Zoom

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KE27403

Course Synopsis: This course is intended to introduce the concepts of probability and random processes and to discuss their application to engineering problems. Particular emphasis is given to application of these methods to systems analysis. Among the topics covered are: an introduction to probability theory, and the modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems; Sample space, probabilistic models, conditional probability; Discrete and continuous random variables; Transform techniques; Limit Theorems; and elements of statistical inference and estimation.

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:

CO1. Compute the behavior and response of random phenomena through the concepts of expectation, conditioning and independence.

CO2. Make inferences, estimates and decisions about signals and systems in the presence of uncertainty.

CO3. Apply the different mathematical models to describe random phenomena of importance in electrical engineering through concepts of random variables.

Brief description of experiences / presentation submitted: Teaching mathematical-oriented courses are not easy to do online. You cannot just make a video lecture and hope that students can understand the materials presented. A majority of students entering engineering programmes in UMS lack strong foundation in mathematics. Hence, they require more guidance in heavily mathematical-oriented courses which are difficult to provide online. Furthermore, human beings are poor judges of when they are learning well and when they are not. They are susceptible to illusions that can hijack their judgment of what they know or can do. This is especially true when they are exposed to materials which makes the concepts sound so easy. Hence, in developing the online components for my class, I consider the following strategies:

1. Conduct weekly quiz as well as comprehensive multiple choice once very few weeks. Constant quizzing strengthens memory and interrupts forgetting.

2. Develop adaptive learning modules in which students need to work through the materials, watch videos and do quizzes. Not a favorite among students, but learning is deeper and more durable when it is effortful.

3. Use breakout-rooms during lectures to get groups to solve a problem. Trying to solve a problem before being taught the solution leads to better learning.

Lecturer's activity

  1. Short Video Lectures

  2. Recording of Video Lectures

  3. Adaptive Lesson Module

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Powerpoint

  2. Explain Everything

  3. Zoom

Video Recording of Zoom Lecture on Continuous Random Variables

An asynchronous video lecture on an example for maximum likelihood decision rule

Student's activity

Live Online Quiz, Multiple-Choice Quiz, Weekly Quiz

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Quizizz,

  2. Smartv3,

  3. Gradescope

Live Quiz done in class

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KE37603

Course Synopsis: This course focuses on the analysis and design of communication systems, including both analog and digital systems. It will cover modulation and demodulation techniques, performance of modulation in noise, and application of these techniques to current systems, including radio, TV, satellite, and cellular systems. The analog communication systems will be studied first. Then the basic theories for digital communications are briefly covered, such as random process, estimation and detection, information theory, and error correct coding. Through these theories, current digital communication techniques will be investigated.

Brief description of experiences / presentation submitted: Online lecture

Lecturer's activity

Online teaching

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Annotated pdf softwares

  2. Google meet

  3. Schoology

  4. Kaizala

Student's activity

  1. Online lecture

  2. Assignment

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Schoology

  2. Google meet

  3. Microsoft office

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.



Course Code: KS16001

Course Synopsis: In this course, the fundamentals of electronic circuits and designs will be explored. The experiments in this courses support the overall learning process by helping student to develop practical skills in the use of power supplies, instruments, and components in a hands-on test environment. It also help student to develop the techniques of gathering accurate experimental information and communicating that information to others through written reports and tabulated data.

By the end of the course, students have:

1. The ability to use electrical instruments to measure electrical quantities

2. The ability to properly use modelling and simulation tools

Lecturer's activity

Lab Demo

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Laptop

  2. Proteus Simulation Software

Student's activity

Performing the experiments based on the given steps.

Device and Application Tools used

  1. Laptop

  2. Proteus Simulation Software


Experiment to analyze the characteristics of BJT Amplifier and Operational Amplifier

Lab 10 Task 1.mp4
Lab 10 Task 2.mp4

Comments / Questions : Feel free to provide any comments or questions.